I'm new here 🙆
So ya..
My name is Nurul Izzati Binti Halim. 18 years old. I love to read novels. Loves Tea O ice too much.. My birthday on 20 August.I have 5 siblings.. 4 girls and 1 boy. I'm 4th 🙈
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My mother's name is Noorsiah Binti Mohammad .Can't describe how beautiful my mother is. She's not working so she have more time with us😊 She's responsible and also loving. I love my mom's cooking.
I 💖You mom
My father's name is Halim Bin Sidek. Too handsome, brave and hardworking person . Loves to make jokes and never make everyone worried about him. Even when he suffer from upper gastrointestinal bleed he never told us never show us his sickness.He just passed away last month on 4th Eid Mubarak 😖 Its very unpredictable.. But I'm okay right now 😊💪 Dad you are my hero.
We live in Kuala Lumpur .
What's more?
Currently i studied at Selangor Matriculation Collage. My high school is Sekolah Menengah Sains Seri Puteri and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Puteri Wilayah. I got flying colours result in my PMR that's why i move to boarding school 😊 Alhamdulillah
Lets talk about KMS.For me time management at KMS is better then my old school.But I miss the environment there.All girls.Sincerely, it is more comfortable >.< Ya..KMS give me a little bit stress but I enjoyed here.
KMS is better than my old school as we can outing almost every week! We don't have go for prep anymore, and eat together at the dining hall. Yey!! I am hoping that I can create sweet memories here with my calssmate. Chase our dream and make our parents proud.Even we are from different background but it's doesn't mean we can't have a good relationship. Day by day our relationship more stronger. I am Module 3 students at KMS. I study Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Computer Science.. I dont want physic anymore!!!
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ReplyDeleteKau buat aku bangga gila dengan kau ... Teruskan usaha izz , kau boleh ! Aku support hang dari belakang baq hang ...
ReplyDeleteHahahaha..terima kasih terima kasih 😊
ReplyDeleteZatiiii bangganya dengan zati and gambar dorm tu sweet nya. Rindu zatiii
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahaha...zati pun rindua aisyah!! 😘
Deleteomg izzati. So, goodluck in whatever youre doing yaaaa! Stuff yourself With a lot of happiness okayy!! Me always love you! Goodluck in writting this blog. Mana tahu one day you be like hanis zalikha hahahahhaha. Hukhuk
ReplyDeleteThankyou tasya!!! Love you too!! Hahahaha...berangan 😂
DeleteCayalah zatiiii, goodluck! 💞
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih fiqahhh 💕💕💕💕
Deletengah tahu ty kuat..sekuat namamu Izzati ! jadilah anak yang sentiasa buat mak abah bangga k..good luck ty !
ReplyDeleteHahahaha.In Sha Allah kakngah!! ❤❤
DeleteGoodluck in wtvr u r doing! Always make ur parents proud 💕
ReplyDeleteThankyou kinah!!!! 😘😘
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ReplyDeleteGood luck cik... Mak sentiasa mendoakan anak mak untuk mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang. Teruskan usaha mu demi utk mencapai cita2 .Walaupun abah telah tiada janganlah putus harapan utk mengejar cita-cita yang di-impikan selama ini.Teruskan lah usaha. Mak dan adik beradik yang masih ada untuk menyokong. Buat lah yang terbaik.....
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih mak 😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤
Deletekakyu love u zati... awk la harapan mak n arwah abah... smoga awk akan terus sukses... kakngah selalu rindu zati... belajar pandai2... smoga Allah merahmati kamu wahai adikku��������
ReplyDeleteLove kakyu jugak!! In Sha Allah kakyu..amin 😘😘😘😘❤
DeleteLove kakyu jugak!! In Sha Allah kakyu..amin 😘😘😘😘❤
Deletewah ingat eh nak mention ow :p goodluck zaty kat kms !
ReplyDeleteHahahahahaha..mestilah ingat weyh!!! Kau pun..goodluck jugak kat sini 😘
DeleteThankyou sab!!! 😘
ReplyDeletezaty kne byk sabar...semua yg dtg ni semuanya ingin membuatkn kte lebih kuat tuk teruskn usaha...abg apiz taw zaty anak yg kuat sme mcm kngah dan yg lain...jgn berputus asa taw zaty...ingt abg apiz tetap akn jd abg ipar zaty...hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteGoodluck ti! All the best final sem1. Chaiyok!
ReplyDeleteThabkyou abang!! In Sha Allag 😘
DeleteGoodluck cik!! smoga berjaya dimasa hadapan... :)
ReplyDeleteThankyou sa!!! Amin 😊
DeleteSo impressive and thanks for the information.
ReplyDeleteCehhhhhhh...hahahahaha..you are welcome
Deletea very simple but nice blog.. good job zatiii!!!
ReplyDeleteThankyou hanis!! 😊
Deletenice.. good job zati baby :D